Sandra König
Certified expert in law HF
- German
- English
- French
- Italian
- Aramaic
Sandra König, born in 1987, joined the PULVER ADVOKATUR & NOTARIAT AG as a legal assistant in 2013. Previously, she gained professional experience working as a legal assistant in another law firm for several years.
In 2010, she began her study in St. Gallen and obtained her degree in 2014. Further, she submitted her degree disseration „Das Recht auf Namensänderung“ in September 2014.
In addition to her duties as fully-qualified paralegal, Sandra König took part in several further educations of the Zurich Bar Association and Europa Institut at the University of Zurich (2011 „SAV-Praxislehrgang für Anwaltspersonal; Modul 1“, 2012 „SAV-Praxislehrgang für Anwaltspersonal; Modul 2“, 2012 „Schweizerische Strafprozessordung“, 2016 „Betreibung und Konkurs“, 2017 „English for Legal Assistants” etc.).
Sandra König has been studying law at the ZHAW School of Management and Law since 2022.